Getting it all in Vietnam!
While I was teaching in Thailand, my mom came to visit. She wanted to see a lot of this part of the world during her vacation. So, we...

Doctor Day
It has been a long time since I’ve written and a lot of changes have happened. One of the major changes happens to be getting a teaching...

Healthcare Outside of the US
Not every trip goes perfectly. Sometimes people get into traffic accidents, sometimes we eat some bad food or in my case sometimes there...

Street Food for Thought
If there is one thing that I have learned from living abroad is that the vendor cart system aka “street food” is one of the best ways for...

Returning Home by Murphy's Law
My time in Thailand is coming to an end and we have to take that epic journey back to my hometown Chicago. While it does sound simple,...

Getting Oriented...Again
Its another adventure in a great land that to where I have never been in and like I have done before, I used my faithful programworked...

The Bridge in Between
It’s that time again! StevenWorldWide is jetting off to another piece of the world. This time we are embarking on a journey to Thailand....

Wow Airlines and Iceland
In an earlier blog I talked about “Just doing it.” When opportunity knocks you take it. This time my Mom and I were fortunate to get a...

Not All Heroes Wear Capes pt 2
This is a two-part series of my blog. I did some informational interviews with administrators and teachers at English Language Schools...

Not All Heroes Wear Capes pt 1
This is a two-part series of my blog. I did some informational interviews with administrators and teachers at English Language Schools...