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The Korea Chapter (in conclusion)

A year has gone by since I started my journey in Korea and the chapter has come to a close. It has been an amazing year and I have had a lot of great experiences. South Korea is a great country and I have met a lot of great people. The beauty of traveling abroad is that you get to do everything you did in the states and even discover some new things.

For example: I had a trading card game hobby back in the states:

And I found that hobby in South Korea. What’s even better is that I made a bunch of new friends while keeping up my hobby:

I discovered the world of crossfit and getting in shape:

In my journey of crossfit I made new friends that I have bonded with and shared a lot of great experiences:

I’ve gotten to work with some amazing people and some amazing kids:

Traveling the world gave me wonderful opportunities and shown me things I have never seen before and it reaffirms the fact that I made the right decision and going abroad. Once again I encourage everyone to do the same thing and see the great things that you won’t get to see while being in the comfort of your own home.

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